Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I have been busy with a lot of things lately…

First, 2 months ago I changed my hairstyle ~
I colored and permed it, I need it to be curly for most of the time anyway

After that there was a sleepover party at Amber's boyfriend's cottage
it was from the 3rd to the 4th of Dec (loli day) and then we had a meetup in Ellijay.
I will post pictures later~

Then 5 December was my birthday hehe
These are the balloons I got from my mom & sister (my dad wasn't in the country att)

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 Oh, and I got a call from Yegar!
It made my birthday morning perfect
he called all the way from Thailand~

I tried to call him on his birthday (two weeks after that)
but it couldn't connect,
I fail ....

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Next is
I graduated from my college 2 weeks ago~
I actually wore AATP Stained Glass under my graduation robe,
I should have worn pants though,
a dress wasn't enough to keep me from the cold...

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It was snowing so hard and I have to leave my coat,
luckily my graduation was inside a building

Me and my mom, it was so cold she couldn't look up properly
& my dad took a pic while she was shivering while talking LOL

next is today~
I was working on my portfolio and then the scissors handle snapped on my hand

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Also, I have been having problems with AT&T a lot.
For the past few months I haven't been able to receive some calls and emails.
Moreover, some of my emails are not being delivered.
If I haven't reply to you/send you an email when I should have,
this is probably why...


serepuff said...

Thea! Congrats on your graduation ;o;!!! I miss you~.

bunni ★ said...

Woo! Congratulations on graduating! Also, your hair looks lovely~ (and it's been so long since we've seen each other... so sad.. ;^;)

Akashi said...

You didn't show me your graduation picture! That's a really good picture : D

Unknown said...

@serepuff(*O*) Thank you puff! I cannot wait till we can do that sleepover~

Unknown said...

@Caylee ★Thank you :DD
YAY! Haha, this is the first time I have ever do anything permanent to my hair (coloring and perm) so I am happy you think it looks good >_<)*
I miss you too, we need to hang out T__T

Unknown said...

@Akashi... no. I was really cold+nervous it is not a good picture... The one with me and the dean is even worse... ;___;