Tuesday, February 2, 2010

High Tea Party at Four Seasons (Warning, small image heavy)

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I went to the High Tea Party meetup in the Four Seasons Hotel
that Andrea-chan organized,
it was such an awesome meetup I’m glad I went heart
Also, also, everyone was so adorable 1145815
1145815(yes Akashi, you are adorable too) 1145815
I cannot wait to see everyone again 1145815

I was wearing Memorial Cake in blue, and I was so panicked in the morning when I realize the blouse that I wanted to wear is nowhere to be seen pix (14)
but later on I found a cute sweater that works and I am happy 1145815
This is my first time wearing blue though, super nervous 1145815
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Andrea was also really thoughtful and gave us a pack of nail polish which has Alice in Wonderland theme heart isnt that just the sweetest?
I already wear two color now, Alice and Mad Hatter ones heart
I gave her a hug because I was so happy getting the gift heartheartheart
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For the tea, I got the Nobo Wholefruit and it tastes like fruit punch heartheartheart
Its sooooo awesome 1145815
Oh! And the desert was sooooooooooooooo delicious I love the fruit tart heartheartheart
and the sandwiches are awesome too (especially the salmon and egg salad)
Random food pics:
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Other lolita that I went to the event with is:
We talked about KPop for almost 80% of the time on the way back home 1230532
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I also went with Lauren (the only one with regular clothes because she is not a lolita but loves High Tea)
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And also, my friend that I have not seen in forever
(we did not come together but she sat next to me afterwards heart)
She was so nervous because she didn’t know so many people,
but I am glad I got to see her again heartheartheart
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Some more pics:
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I almost wear this pink shoes,
and I do think it is better than the white one,
but but but
I forgot to take it with me 929670
Stupid me…
Oh, which one look better on me?
Black or Blue Memorial Cake?

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